hack on

hack onhack on
  1. We can 't start a hack on them until they 're within a two mile range .


  2. How to Understand Hack on Internet


  3. We 'll be hack on full rations tomorrow .


  4. And the fact that nobody has yet conducted a successful hack on a US utility , say , is one reason for comfort .


  5. Known attacks have targeted South Korean infrastructure and Seoul blames its northern neighbour for a hack on a hydro and nuclear power plant earlier this year .


  6. The Australia Broadcasting Corporation ( ABC ) reported a " massive " hack on Wednesday , saying it had been told by " multiple official sources " it almost certainly came from China .


  7. HBO acknowledged the hack on Monday , and said that it was working with law enforcement and private firms to remedy the situation . " Data protection is a top priority at HBO , and we take seriously our responsibility to protect the data we hold , " the company said in a statement .


  8. Another favourite life hack published on social media is to place an oven-proof jug of water with two lemons cut in half inside your microwave .


  9. We 've seen targeted hack attacks on a massive scale , and we 've seen state-sponsored cyberespionage .


  10. In a blogpost , Twitter said it was confident that the data had not come from a hack attack on its servers .


  11. A hack attack on one of the biggest certificate authorities has brought into question the entire system and made many realize that the system is in drastic need of updating for21st century demands .


  12. Capistrano lets us deploy and rollback everywhere ; git with github lets us all hack frantically on the same codebase then merge and deploy .


  13. This hack is based on my comment on the PHP online documentation .


  14. I can 't hack the door on that lab.


  15. I used one of them for a while , but it was missing what seemed an obvious feature , the ability to hack the addresses on fetched mail so replies would work properly .


  16. Was there a hack or a hacker on the PSP that really impressed you ?
